
Saturday, January 3, 2015

Chapter 5: New Year Resolutions, 7lbs down, Focus T25-Beta, lost INCHES?

Welcome 2015...where New Year Resolutions are made!!!

I decided  to update since it has been a while since my last post in this section of my blog (December 3rd wow...full month). So what's my progress?!!!

So Far I've LOST 7LBS (OMG!!!).
I've lost a total of 9" OVERALL or 1.5" each area (ex. waist, hips etc)

Though for some people, that may be nothing but for me, seeing that number on the scale after not seeing it for AWHILE (or more like seeing the number increase -_-) its a good accomplishment! I'm trying to lose about 60-80lbs so 7lbs is indeed progress. It also shows that what I'm doing currently  is working!

How Have I Lost Weight So Far?

1. Diet or Lifestyle:
Brown Rice, Mixed Vegetables, Egg with Black Pepper/Salt and Roasted Chicken
  • So I personally HATE diets. I think diets are pretty useless since your not going to be on a diet forever right? I want to make this a LIFESTYLE change. Ive noticed some people going on diets where they eat REALLY healthy and yes, the weight drops fast which of course I would love to happen to me too. However, once u end this diet and go back to the OLD food you use to eat, sadly that weight will ALL return and more.
  • Therefore, Ive been trying my best to have more healthier meal choices. I still personally struggle when I go outside with friends (which I'll talk about later) but when I'm home, I have improved in eating much better food.  
  • Another thing is WATER. I drink LOTS of water!!!! About 10-12 glasses or MORE! Lowest I drink is about 7-9 (thats ONLY if I go outside and dont bring a water bottle). 
    • I never liked tracking my food online or on my phone since I'll either forget or it just doesn't happen! Now I track everything I eat, drink and my workouts in a book! I started on Dec.8th and I've kept using it (like a weight loss bible now)! I write down everything I do and really helps on those days where I'm starving and dont know why?
2. Workouts/Routine?
Example of what I aim for at the Gym
  •  Some people have been asking me what I do at the gym or how have I been losing weight? I go to GoodLife Fitness about 2-4 times a week currently as well as do Focus T25. 
    • GoodLife Fitness Gym
      • I go to Goodlife normally on Mondays, Tuesdays, and the other 2 days are pretty random. It all depends on how I feel and if  I think I need to do another workout. I normally focus on Cardio especially Treadmill. I now started focusing on weights to get toned and lose fat/replace it with muscle 
      • ZUMBA (Mondays):  
        • I LOVE ZUMBA! People who say Zumba doesn't burn calories is LYING or dont know what they're talking about!!!!! I dont even reach the best of my ability (still learning) with the moves/steps and I burn on average 450-500 calories within the hour. The best part is, I'M HAVING FUN! I burn more when I go on stage to dance in front of the class since I work harder (everyone watching you >.<). Class #4 is on Monday. 
      • Focus T25: 
        • I started with Beta Phase of T25 because I was bored with Alpha. I have tried alpha 3 times (completed it once fully) and was just bored since I knew the moves already!. However Beta is TOTALLY DIFFERENT!! Now THIS is what you call a workout! Its so much more intense, fast pace and all those moves you learned in Alpha MAKE SENSE! With this/combined with my gym workouts have contributed to my weight loss. It in-cooperates weights and cardio so I get some weight training within the week. Today I finished Day 17. Did I mention its only 25 MINUTES >:D
        • BTW I currently have ONLY been doing the modified version of all the videos. Therefore, Next month I will be REDOING Beta Phase but with little to NO modifications. 
  • How many Days I workout on average: 
    • With Home workouts and Gym workouts combined I work out probably 5-6 days a week. In December, I worked out 22/31 days of the month (which was due to the holidays and I was kinda lazy =D)
3. Do I have Any Goals I Want to Achieve?
  • OF COURSE!!!! Everyone always has new goals to achieve when its the New Year. However, I have stopped with the whole New Year = New Me Nonsense. Compared to other years, I have been working out before the new year and am expecting to continue working out and trying to make it a habit even a lifestyle!
  • I wrote down a list of rewards I will treat myself too once I lose a # of lbs. Though personally, I HATE THE SCALE with a Passion due to a number of reasons but I will SADLY use it for a while? I will probably use it till I reach 10lbs lost and than will check either monthly or whenever I feel like :D! One main reason for me is that due to my body type. I weigh ALOT heavier on the scale and when I lose weight (inches) it seems the scale increases -_-. So I will not be dependent on it. Also, A NUMBER DOES NOT DEFINE YOU!!!! 
  • I have some plans in August with my best friend and REALLY want to look Goood like SEXYYYYY GOOD for it. Therefore, my currently goal is to lose enough weight by August 2015. Therefore I have about 8 months!!!
That is what I've been doing so far. When I went to Zumba last week, my friend told me I looked like I lost weight. I think it may be cause I was wearing black pants but I do feel I have lost a little bit on my thighs. Regardless, I'm going to keep pushing. I will make another update probably by the end of the month since I will be done Beta Phase of Focus T25.

I took new before pictures when I was at the gym last week with my friend so I will post an update in a month or two when I see better progress or results.
The remaining of my goals will be kept to myself for now. I have removed many people from my Facebook since I didn't want many people knowing my plans or personal life. Now the people remaining are people I talk to daily or inspire me. I also becoming a "fitness hermit" and reducing my hangouts since that of course will lead to junk food and I want to stay on course this year!!!!

Another way to remind myself of my results and goals are STICKY NOTES! Love putting them all over my computer, so whenever I come on to play videogames etc its another reminder to get off my ass and workout =3
Measurements, Goal Sizes, Due dates etc
Thanks for Reading and hoped this helps some of you achieve your goals!!! Be Strong!! <3 ~

Till Next Time...
Yumoyori <3~